Simplicity and care

of your Time and Money.

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Finway Features


Check your Analytics more frequently

and easily with only one tap.

Saving Goals

Make your saving goals and monitor your

current status.


Monitor your expenses, incoming bills, spending.

See where you can cut out to stay focused on your

bigger goals.

A circle diagram to show your precise analytics

of spending and expenses. Clear and concise

info you need everyday.

Clever Notifications

Get clever notifications how when running out of budget,

days left to reach a goal, over spending with also option to

mute notifications.

Your almost there



$20 Remaining

What our users say about us


As a refugee from South Sudan, I had witnessed unimaginable horrors and was emotionally scarred. AIRS provided me with trauma counseling and mental health support, helping me rebuild my life. They also helped me find a stable job and secure housing, ensuring that I had a fresh start. Today, I am not just a survivor; I am thriving, and it's all thanks to the incredible support I received from AIRS

Hassan Ibrahim

When I arrived in Kenya as a refugee, I was lost and afraid. . AIRS ensured that I had access to quality education, which was a lifeline for me. They not only covered my school fees but also provided me with school supplies and uniforms. Through their educational support, I now have the opportunity to build a better future for myself and break the cycle of poverty. AIRS truly changed the trajectory of my life

Fatima Ali

When I arrived in Kenya, I had dreams and aspirations but lacked the means to pursue them. The organization offered vocational training and entrepreneurship programs, which equipped me with valuable skills and knowledge. With their guidance and support, I started my own small business, providing for myself and my family. AIRS believed in my potential and gave me the tools to succeed. I am forever grateful for their unwavering support

Maryam Abdi

My life when I sought refuge in Kenya. Having escaped from the violence in my home country. The organization provided me counseling and psychological support, helping me heal and regain my confidence. They also offered language classes and job training, equipping me with the skills necessary to find employment. Thanks to their assistance, now I have a new lease on life and a bright future ahead.

Samuel Mwangi

But ever since I started using Finway app, everything changed. It has become my financial lifeline, empowering me to take control of my money with ease and confidence. Here's why it has been such a game-changer for me

Nicky Davis

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Does the finway support splitting expenses or managing shared finances with a co-parent or family member?

What is finway and how can it help me as a single mom?

Finway allows you to track your income and expenses in one centralized location. You can categorize your spending, set budget limits, and monitor your progress. This helps you gain a clear understanding of where your money is going and identify areas where you can make adjustments.

Finway can send you reminders when your bills are due, ensuring that you don't miss any payments. These reminders can be customized to your preferences, such as receiving notifications a few days before the due date or on the day itself. They help you avoid late fees, penalties, and potential disruptions in services.

Within Finway, you can create specific financial goals based on your needs and aspirations. For example, you might set a goal to save a certain amount of money for emergency funds, your child's education, or a vacation. You can specify the target amount and the desired timeframe for achieving each goal.

Finway allows you to divide expenses with a co-parent or family member. You can input shared expenses, such as childcare costs, school fees, or household bills, and allocate the responsibility between parties. The app calculates each person's share, simplifying the process of tracking and managing shared expenses.

Does finway provide alerts or notifications to help me stay on top of my bills and financial commitments?

Can I set financial goals within finway, such as saving for emergencies, education, or other expenses?



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